Let's not encrypt?
This blog is powered by Hiawatha, a light-weight webserver designed for security and ease of use. Consequently, Hiawatha comes with a script that allows one to easily request certificates from the Let's Encrypt initiative and (in conjunction with a daily cron job) to automagically renew them when the time has come.
This setup has worked almost flawlessly for several years. In 2021, I've received an information from Let's Encrypt that they would modify (as planned) their chain of trust, requiring corresponding changes in the LE_ISSUERS option in the configuration file of the script designated for requesting or renewing certificates.
I should have known that this change will happen every three years, but since I didn't receive any mail this time, it never occurred to me that the failure of renewal had this simple reason. Instead, I've searched everywhere for nonexisting error messages until I had run out of ideas. Without any options left, I've asked Haui for help, convinced that he would see light where I could see only dark. And it indeed didn't take him long to identify an outdated LE_ISSUERS value in the configuration file as the culprit.
We can easily look up the common name of the current certificate's issuer:
openssl x509 -in /etc/hiawatha/tls/pdes-net.org.pem -noout -text | grep CN
But that won't help if the current certificate is not renewed because of an outdated issuer. The present situation was different in that I've requested new certificates in September as a temporary (HOHOHO) workaround. These new certificates were issued with the new CN of R10, as compared to the old R3 in the configuration file, making it clear that the latter is outdated. It would have been so easy if I hadn't been such a fool and categorically ruled out this possibility. 🫥
Well, I may get old and useless, but I hope to recall once and for all that the authoritative instance for looking up the current issuer for Let's Encrypt can be found here: https://letsencrypt.org/certificates/. And if I don't, I'm sure to remember that I can find this information in my own blog. 🫩